November 22, 2016

Interview on Revision Path

I was recently interviewed by the amazing Maurice Cherry for his podcast Revision Path. I was one of the first designers Maurice interviewed way back in the day for Revision Path, so it was wonderful to chat with him about the state of design today, and what I have been working on. Most interestingly for me, we had a chance to talk about science fiction, Afrofuturism, and "that black rights in space..."

Check it.

October 26, 2014

Concept Art by Nivanh Chanthara

I've been looking a lot at sci-fi concept art and paintings recently, and came across the work of Nivanh Chanthara. All of it is beautifully done, but I liked these best.

July 14, 2013

Space Vikings, by Mel Grant

Space Vikings

I just found this painting, called Space Vikings, while wandering around on the internet. It's by Melvyn Grant, a British sci-fi and fantasy artist. Something about the spacesuits caught my eye. So many of the suits we see on TV and in the movies are bland uniforms, but these look very personalized, almost like regular clothes. I imagine that in the deep future, spacesuits will have little resemblance to what we know today, and the painting is striking for that reason.

via Sci-Fi-O-Rama

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