Impact Matters

Helping donors find high impact nonprofits

Impact Matters

Helping donors find high impact nonprofits

Impact Matters 

Helping donors find high impact nonprofits

Making impact visible with a complete overhaul of Impact Matter's brand identity and digital product tools.

Making impact visible with a complete overhaul of Impact Matter's brand identity and digital product tools.

With a radical overhaul of RAP's digital presence and brand identity, design helps accelerate the transition to a clean, reliable, and efficient energy future.

Project Scope

  • Interface Design
  • Information Architecture
  • Brand Design & Strategy
  • Agency: Constructive

Creating a trusted digital brand

Amplifying a Global Voice on Climate Change

Impact Matters was a new ratings product, one that could be distilled easily into a star rating. While conveying trust, the user interface made the process of exploring ratings intuitive and easy to grasp. It showcased ratings that were based on what matters – impact, and brought to life a digital brand. I used a modular, component-level design system that worked across a variety of complex, content-heavy pages.

(Impact Matters was acquired by Charity Navigator in 2020.)

In order to bring this digital experience into the 21st century, we first conducted a full audit of their their content and organizational goals. One of the more interesting features was to show their global reach. In the site architecture and then in functionality, I made sure their audience could see where they worked, and on what. I also set up a multi-language typographic system in Chinese, German, and English, to account for their publishing workflows.

IM-1744-Brand-Guidelines_V02 p1
IM-1744-Brand-Guidelines_V02 p2

Appealing to Audiences

A Flexible Editorial Design System

This project had two main aidiences.

The Idealist wants to give to nonprofits that she feels connected to. They researches nonprofits frequently, most often to verify a group They're already interested in, but they enjoy discovering new nonprofits. When vetting a nonprofit, The Idealist wants to know the group’s accomplishments, but is also moved by passionate and sincere appeals and stories. 

The Skeptic wants to read independent evaluations of a nonprofits, to verify the accomplishments of a nonprofit that they're already interested in. After donating, they are loyal and highly engaged with that nonprofit. The more information they have about a nonprofit’s management, the better they are able to verify that a nonprofit is doing good work.


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